Jelly Beans 3 - Grande

Jelly Beans 3 - Livro do Aluno
Segmento(s): Educação Infantil
ISBN: 9788516070779
Código do produto: 24070779
Imagem em alta resolução
Tipo de arquivo: 
Apresentação da coleção

Jelly Beans é uma coleção em três volumes, voltada para o ensino de crianças de 3 a 5 anos de idade. As atividades do material envolvem diferentes inteligências múltiplas e permitem o trabalho interdisciplinar e de valores, o que promove o desenvolvimento emocional e intelectual da criança. Os componentes da coleção oferecem aos alunos ampla exposição à língua inglesa, motivando-os a interagir com o idioma de maneiras variadas e significativas.

Sobre o Autor
Rebecca Williams Salvador
Laurie Stahl
  • Student’s Book with:
• 8 thematic unities (opening page, two lessons, one review lesson);
• stickers;
• Integrated Activity Book.
  • Online MultiROM on the Richmond Educational Portal with interactive activities.
  • Online and downloadable audio.
  • Access to the Richmond Educational Portal digital resources.
  • Digital Book.


  • Teacher’s Book with:
• the complete students’ material interspersed with step-by-step notes for each lesson;
• objectives of each unit;
• complementary activities related to multiple intelligences and to values.
  • Online MultiROM similar to the students’,on the Richmond Educational Portal with audio, picture dicationary, besides further activities for each unit.
  • Online and downloadable audio.
  • Digital Book with note-taking tools and resources to be used on an e-board or projector.
  • Access to the Richmond Educational Portal, which contains interactive whiteboard resources, posters, flashcards, evaluation instrumentes and other resources.
  • Jelly Beans Big Book 1, 2 and 3.
  • Teacher’s Book with:
• the complete students’ material interspersed with step-by-step notes for each lesson;
• objectives of each unit;
• complementary activities related to multiple intelligences and to values.
  • Online MultiROM similar to the students’,on the Richmond Educational Portal with audio, picture dicationary, besides further activities for each unit.
  • Online and downloadable audio.
  • Digital Book with note-taking tools and resources to be used on an e-board or projector.
  • Access to the Richmond Educational Portal, which contains interactive whiteboard resources, posters, flashcards, evaluation instrumentes and other resources.
  • Jelly Beans Big Book 1, 2 and 3.
Amostra de unidade

 Amostra de unidade de Jelly Beans 3.

Conteúdo programático

Conteúdo programático de Jelly Beans 3.

Manual do professor

 Manual do professor de Jelly Beans 3.

Santillana EspanholRichmond InternacionalEditora Moderna
© Editora Moderna 2013. Todos os direitos reservados.