
English iD 2nd Edition is a fresh edition of the popular series that quickly teaches young adult students to express themselves both fluently and accurately, thus building their own identity in English.

Hello and welcome to Personal Best, Richmond’s brand-new course for young adult learners of English. Developed with award-winning author Jim Scrivener, Personal Best is all about recognising the needs of individual learners and giving them plenty of meaningful practice in English. It offers today’s busy students a wealth of different ways to learn so that they can practise their English however, and wherever, suits them best.

The Big Picture é uma coleção de 6 volumes altamente visual e estimulante para adultos e jovens adultos, oferecendo de 90 a 120 horas de material básico em sala de aula, que pode ser ampliado por uma grande variedade de recursos digitais e impressos. A nova edição mantém a abordagem central da edição original, com contextos internacionais da vida real combinados com imagens marcantes para envolver os alunos. Atividades cuidadosamente formuladas dão aos alunos o apoio de que precisam para se expressarem com confiança.

iDentities is a brand-new two-level course for adults and young adults which gives upper-intermediate and advanced students the tools they need to speak, listen, read and write with greater fluency and accuracy.

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Santillana EspanholRichmond InternacionalEditora Moderna
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